Day Five | Friday



And all of this is a gift from God, Who brought us back to Himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to Him.

2 Corinthians 5:18 (NLT)




We speak of coming to faith in Christ as passing from death to life. It’s a drastic transformation that fundamentally impacts every part of who we are. This gift of life isn’t primarily about us—it’s about the glory of God. It’s also meant to be the starting point of sharing His love with others.


Prayer Practice


How has God uniquely crafted you to advance His Kingdom? How can you function as His ambassador in your family, neighborhood, work and everyday interactions?


Thank God for bringing you back to Himself through Christ. Reflect on the love and trust He must have in you to call you to this task of reconciling others to Him.


Ask the Spirit to give you boldness and confidence as you proclaim the Good News through words and actions. Invite the Spirit to burden your heart with someone you might share the Good News with this week.


Think about any obstacles that might hinder you from sharing Christ. Give those to God. Ask the Spirit for power to proclaim the Good News (Acts 1:8).