Day One | Monday



“And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.”

Matthew 6:13 (NLT)




This plea comes from a heart that wants to remain close to God and knows sin damages our intimacy with Him. It’s preferable to be protected from opportunities to sin. It’s better to obey God’s guidance and avoid sin than to compromise and struggle against temptation.


Prayer Practice


Think about situations that tempt you to sin. Recognize the areas—people, places and conditions—you’re susceptible to temptation so you can avoid them.


Thank God for intervening in past situations that could have yielded damaging, life-altering circumstances.


Ask God to enable you to stay alert to attractive traps, giving you discernment to recognize when the evil one is trying to seduce you into sin.


Yield to the Holy Spirit’s attempts to redirect your path away from Satan’s enticements. Return your focus to your connection and commitment to God.