Day Seven | Seven



"Those who are victorious will sit with Me on My throne, just as I was victorious and sat with My Father on His throne."

Revelation 3:21 (NLT)


Jesus ends His letter to the church of Laodicea with a call to persevere by encouraging those who obey all He has written to join Him on His throne. How did Jesus come to sit on this throne given to Him by His Father? Jesus earned that seat through His death.


Jesus’ call to those who will obey is that they remain faithful to Him despite future persecution. He promises to share His throne with those who do so. This throne is a seat of honor. What a fantastic image: sitting next to Christ after our life on earth is over, sharing the bounty of His love and rightful throne. What a day that will be!


The journey will have its challenges, but we must maintain sight of the sweet reward Jesus offers us.


Take a moment and thank God for what He's accomplished through Jesus and applied through His Spirit. We are a blessed people indeed.


Help me remain zealous in my love and devotion to You. Help me see glimpses of Your glory when my days are hard and long. Translate the challenges of this world in a way that makes spiritual sense to me, and provide the resources needed to remain faithful to You. Amen.