Day Four | Thursday



And I want you to know, my dear brothers and sisters, that everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News. For everyone here, including the whole palace guard, knows that I am in chains because of Christ. And because of my imprisonment, most of the believers here have gained confidence and boldly speak God’s message without fear.

Philippians 1:12-14 (NLT)


It’s humbling that Paul wrote the book of Philippians from jail and one of its central themes is joy. In fact, in Philippians 1, Paul was imprisoned for his faith but wasn’t beaten down. Quite the opposite because he knew that his suffering allowed others to hear about the Good News of Jesus. He said that while imprisoned, his talks about Jesus led many to hear and believe. People couldn’t understand how he could have so much joy in such difficult times. In some ways, Paul’s most remarkable ministry happened while he was suffering. It gave him an opportunity he wouldn’t usually have, and people witnessed his faith.


The early Church exploded in revelation as it experienced widespread persecution. Roman Emperors like Nero were known to persecute Christians in horrific ways. However, the more they persecuted the early church, the more it grew. Christians were thrown into arenas with gladiators and wild beasts. It was said they’d forgive the people taking their lives, they’d die with confidence and poise, and because of this, people wanted to know why. This kind of suffering is what allowed the early Church to grow radically. It gave them a platform to speak about their faith. It gave them a platform to live counterculturally from the rest of the world. Tertullian, one of the early Church fathers of the second century, coined the term, the blood of the martyrs is seed for the church. No doubt, anytime the Church has faced persecution, it's increased.


We can speak about our hope in Jesus when we face troubles and suffering. Our pain can become our platform. It provides opportunities that we wouldn’t normally have. We’re part of an unshakeable kingdom (Hebrews 12:28) which gives us unwavering hope. Whenever we’re going through a difficult season, we must look for the people God brings into our lives. The doctors, the neighbors, the lawyers, and the community around us could be different if we use our season of suffering for the glory of God. Paul himself said his imprisonment allowed the Gospel to spread to new places. May God give us spiritual eyes to see the spiritual needs of those He’s placed around us.


APPLICATION: The pain you face often becomes your platform to speak about Jesus to others


PRAYER: Pray for those who you know need to know Jesus. Whom has He placed in your path that needs to hear the Good News of Jesus? Pray for them by name and look for any opportunities God allows you to share with them.